Workplace Accidents & Injuries

Claim workers’ compensation for workplace injuries or illnesses

A place of work should be a safe environment, with employees protected from any harm. Indeed, it is every employer's responsibility to provide such a safe and protected working environment.

If you’ve sustained an injury or contracted an illness at your workplace, no matter how severe, you might be entitled to compensation, with a range of benefits, such as: payment to cover loss of income or other financial loss; medical, rehabilitation and associated expenses; loss of any pension payments; damages for pain and suffering; and in some circumstances, lump sum payments. Claims for compensation can also be made for fatalities from accidents in the workplace.

In most cases, an employer should be covered by liability insurance, which would cover the compensation claim. However, you will most likely still need to take action. We can help with supporting your position and if need be, take care of all the legal aspects and negotiations, so that you can focus on taking care of your recovery and getting on with your life.

There are a range of workplace hazards that can commonly contribute to a personal injury, illness or fatality, including:

  • Personal injuries from a fall or slip at the workplace
  • Lifting injuries
  • Mental or psychological illnesses
  • Strain Injuries
  • Accidents at building and construction sites
  • Injuries or illnesses relating to exposure to harmful substances
  • Hearing or site loss, and
  • Malfunctioning machines and equipment, among other

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If you’ve been injured at work or have suffered an illness that is work related, you can file a claim and may be entitled to compensation.

There is a certain process with making a claim. First and foremost, you should speak to your doctor, as well as report your injury to your employer. Also, you may report your work place accident to the Cyprus Ministry of Labour, Department of Labour Inspection.    

To know more specifically about your particular personal injury claim, you should consult professional legal advice.

Generally, you may be entitled to damages for any harmed personal property, present or future medical expenses, rehabilitation and care expenses (from professionals or family), and loss of income/financial loss, and/or lump sums for loss of income, medical and rehabilitation care, pain, suffering and reduced quality-of-life, as well as other expenses, such as for the purchase of any special equipment related to the injury suffered.

To know more specifically about your particular personal injury claim, you should consult professional legal advice.

When it comes to compensation amounts for personal injuries, there is no definite answer that can apply across the board. Overall, one may claim for general damages and special damages. But of course, every personal injury is different and therefore compensation amounts can vary greatly, depending on a number of factors. For instance, the severity or nature of the injury, likely recovery time and prognosis, as well as the various damages that need to be taken into account, but many times not only.

When assessing compensation for a claim, reference is also made to expert medical reports, Cyprus case law and of course the wider legal system.

We handle personal injury claims of all sorts of levels.

To know more specifically about your particular personal injury claim, you should consult professional legal advice.

A personal injury can be many different types of harm you have endured, physical and emotional. If you have sustained a personal injury, caused by the carelessness or negligence of others, you may be entitled to claim compensation.

To know more specifically about your particular personal injury claim, you should consult professional legal advice.

Generally, if you have sustained a personal injury or illness by the fault of someone else – often even if you were partly at fault – you may be entitled to claim for compensation. Everyone is entitled to go about their daily life in safety and if this has been hindered by the carelessness or negligence of others, you may be within your rights to sue for compensation.

To know more specifically about your particular personal injury claim, you should consult professional legal advice.

Our special ‘no win no fee’ arrangement offers peace of mind for potential claimants, by providing access to justice and legal representation to those with a valid claim but who would otherwise not be able to afford a lawyer.

With the No Win, No Fee arrangement, if you don’t win the case, you don’t pay our legal fees. We’ll explain more about this type of arrangement in more detail if it may apply in your case in your initial discussion. It is important to note that not every claim can qualify on our No Win No Fee arrangement.

Learn more about our No Win No Fee arrangement.

To know more specifically about your particular personal injury claim, you should consult professional legal advice.

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